Friday 29 January 2016

'Dracula' by Bram Stoker

For my chosen novel I have decided to read and research 'Dracula' by Bram Stoker. Dracula was written by Stoker in 1946. The book is about a character called Jonathan Harker who sets out on a journey to seek Count Dracula and sell him a property, he is an estate agent. On his way, Harker writes a diary of all accounts on the journey to find Dracula and what happens to him. He describes strange incidences, especially when he is near Count Dracula's castle.

Harker is led to believe that the Count is completely harmless and just wants to buy a property. It turns out that Count Dracula is a vampire, who seeks revenge on Harker by getting close enough to him to find his wife, Mina. Harker soon realises that he's a prisoner in Dracula's castle. He is seduced by three female vampires, who are disregarded and told to leave him alone by the Count, which makes it obvious to Harker that he has other plans for him.

Meanwhile, back with Jonathan Harker's fiancé, Mina, strange things are happening. Mina is missing her fiancé terribly, but is kept busy by her friend Lucy, who has been proposed to by three men and is staying with Mina. Lucy and Mina are opposites in the way that Lucy is very open and sexual, and Mina is shy, prude and almost childlike. 

Lucy starts to sleepwalk, and act strangely. She begins to sleepwalk outside, and one night finds herself at the edge of a cliffside, to which Mina is very frightened about. She starts to feel weaker and weaker, eventually giving in to bed rest and seeking the help of Dr. Van Helsing, who is concerned for her wellbeing. She starts to get very unwell and eventually 'dies', however she doesn't die at all, but turns into a vampire. 

Van Helsing is aware of the transition and tells her fiancé, best friend Mina, and family that she is in fact 'un-dead', a term used for Vampires. The men seek to find her tombstone and find her so that they can kill her and she can rest in peace. When they find her however, she is missing from her grave, and found nearby with a small child clutched to her chest, whom she is feeding from. The group of men drive a wooden stake through her heart, chop off her head, and then follow on to stuff her head with garlic, just for good measure. After they kill Lucy, they plot to kill Dracula.

Back with Count Dracula and Jonathan Harker, Harker is going mentally insane and decides that he must leave the castle. With every door being guarded so that he can't leave, he decides to scale the side of the castle and almost plummets to his death. He manages to escape without injury and returns to his love, Mina. 

Whilst Harker was away, Mina is preyed on by Dracula. Upon his return, she starts the change slowly. Dracula flees, but the men pursue the Count and track him across land and sea. Van Helsing takes Mina with him, whilst they seal the entrance to Dracula's castle with sacred objects and kill the three vampires that seduced Harker at the beginning of the book. The other men then catch up with the Count as he reaches the castle, and drive a stake through his heart which destroys him. 

Health and Safety/Skin Consultations

Assessing the studios

It is important to carry out risk assessments in the studios. A risk assessment involves looking at the equipment we use on a daily basis as well as our work stations, and identifying whether or not they are suitable and safe to work in. We have to be really careful to make sure that our work spaces are clean, tidy, and won't cause any damage or be hazardous to anyone in the area!

All makeup artists should assess the area they are working in and are responsible for their own work space. This involves using tools and equipment properly, and to act on any hazards or potential hazardous situations they may find.

Here is a risk assessment form that I found online and thought covered the topics necessary;
it is specific to hair and makeup artists and includes the equipment and environment you'd find yourself in in a typical studio. This could be a future document to take when assessing new working environments!

Example of an assessment form

Hygiene is the most important aspect when working with clients!`

Make-up and tools must be used hygienically and should not be shared:

Make up and tools must be used in a hygienic manner at all times; they should not be shared and should be taken with either a clean, sterilised spatula or a brush and placed onto a palette on onto the back of the makeup artists hand (as long as it has been washed!!).

Do not double dip products, whether it is mixing foundations, using moisturiser or any cleansing products, eye shadow palettes, etc.

Washing your hands:

Ensure that your hands are washed thoroughly with disinfectant soap and then dried with a clean towel before working on a client. It's actually quite good to let your client know that you're 'just going to wash your hands' before you work on them; it lets them know you're professional and hygienic. A small bottle of anti-bacterial hand gel is always useful to have in your kit too.

Make up brushes and tools:

The brushes that you use on your clients should be squeaky clean for your next client. You can sterilise brushes using an alcohol mixture that kills any bacteria, but make sure you give your brushes a bath to ensure the bristles are kept nice and soft - they last longer this way too.

If you're using sponges, it is quite often a good idea to use disposable ones so that they don't hold lots of bacteria. If you use an expensive sponge, make sure it is cleaned and dried for your next client. Disposable mascara wands, sponges and puffs are a great tool to have in your kit at all times.

Checking for allergies and if your client wears contact lenses:

You should carry out test patches for any makeup that might have chemicals in (latex etc) - it's better to prevent a reaction than deal with one!
Always ask if your client wears contact lenses. This  can be uncomfortable for someone if they have their eye makeup done, or equally if they are having their makeup removed.

Infectious conditions:

Be aware of any infectious conditions that clients may have. You must make sure that you deal with these correctly to ensure that infections do not spread around the workplace, to other clients, or to you! You can use disposable brushes in these cases. Common instances of infectious skin disorders may be simple things like coldsores, which are fine to work with if you're using disposable tools, or in extreme cases could be infections such as impetigo, staph infections or carbuncles. These cases are highly contagious and it is not recommended to have these types of infection in the work space as it could be risk to other clients or yourself.

From left: cold sore, impetigo, carbuncles and staph infections


Finally, we had a chat in lesson about particular skin types and how to identify them. I have worked on the No7 beauty counter at Boots for the last three years and so I was aware of these skin types:

Oily skin:

Often people with oily skin will find it hard to get the feeling of being 'clean'. Oily skin means that the pores can be slightly larger than normal and that the client could be prone to shiny skin/acne/breakouts. It can also mean that their makeup can come off easily so it's important to use a matte primer for this type of skin! Many people hate having this skin type, however it does mean that their skin is well hydrated, and ageing effects will take longer. Less lines and wrinkles!

Combination skin:

Combination skin is a take on oily skin, however it is a mixture between oily and dry skin. People with this skin type can often experience an oily T-zone, but not necessarily on the rest of their face. It can mean you can have open pores in some areas of the face. In cold weather, this skin type may require more hydration.

Normal skin:

A skin type that doesn't feel neither dry nor oily, and quite often feels sufficiently hydrated. This is a great skin type to work with as you can create either a matte look or a dewy look. This skin type must keep up a healthy skin regime in order to keep it balanced.

Dry skin:

Dry skin can often feel very tight and quite uncomfortable after cleansing, and can have a lot of flaky/dry patches on the skin. If you pinch together your skin and you can see fine lines, it is a sign of dehydration. People with dry skin will require lots of hydration and it's not recommended to use a matte primer on a client, but to stick with a satin/dewy finish.
