Tuesday 2 February 2016

My chosen character: Lucy Westenra

Throughout the novel it's apparent that Lucy is very flirty and voluptuous. She is constantly making sexual references and encouraging her friend, Mina, to be more flirty and outgoing. Due to her flirty, promiscuous, yet innocent personality, many men are attracted to her. In the novel she is proposed to three times and struggles to choose which man to marry. She says to Mina; "Why can't they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble?" this is a clear indicator that Lucy likes the attention she gets.

Lucy is blonde and described as innocent, sweet, virginal and vulnerable. Her vulverability makes everyone want to protect and look after her, and this is draws Count Dracula in to her. He knows that she's quite headstrong, but can manipulate her and use her sexual desires at an advantage when she sleep walks. He takes control of her body and she starts to sleepwalk every night, and one evening Mina finds her with a mysterious beast. It is then apparent a few days later that she's been bitten by a Vampire - the bite is found by Dr Van Helsing - and she dies a few days later, or so everyone thinks.

When Lucy becomes a Vampire.. 

Lucy's appearance changes drastically. She is buried by her fiancé and Van Helsing in her wedding dress, just as beautiful as she was at the start of the novel. Van Helsing makes the connection between the bite on her neck and her death and realises she's not dead after all, but a vampire. He describes her to the other men as 'undead'.

She is pale, wearing her dress still, with red raw lips. Her attractiveness comes out as a vampire and her purity turns into 'voluptuous wantonness'. "The sweetness was turned to adamantine, heartless cruelty, and the purity to voluptuous wantonness." (Chapter 16, pg. 231) Her maternal instincts alter, as she clutches a small child and starts to feed from it.

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