Tuesday 5 April 2016

The backstory to my character 'Mrs Laderman'

         For my 'Mrs Laderman' I want to create an attractive, seductive, young and youthful woman with striking eyes and a dark eeriness about her. I have decided to give my character a first name; Ruby. 

         Ruby Laderman is the friend/frenemy of Fiona Goode. She is a crafty witch who is in her forties but has recently been made immortal, much like her enemy Marie Laveau - however Ruby and Marie are friends and protect each other. Ruby is a witch who although is manipulative and powerful, looks out for her kind. She is vain like Fiona, however she has both witch powers as well as voodoo magic; and has enchanted herself to be her young self and dresses as a vintage glamour queen. Fiona Goode is very jealous of her! 

         Ruby Laderman is the auntie of Misty Day – a witch who can bring the dead back to life. They come from a family who grew  up in the woods and so this is where they are most comfortable. Although Mrs Laderman is now a glamorous and wealthy woman, she still finds sanctuary in the woods she grew up in and where she learnt all that she knows.

         My character is going to have a vintage hairstyle – in a down do to show that she’s free spirited. Her makeup is going to be classic vintage 50s style; a strong black liner with a matte lid. She will have red lips to show her seductive side, accompanied with a vintage black dress and heels with a brown fur coat.
         I think the look will appeal to audience demographics because the character has the same sort of personality traits as a few of the main characters in the series; Fiona Goode and Maddison Montgomery. The target audience for the series is for people aged between 18-49, but this series particularly focuses on a female audience because majority of the characters are female. The drama of the series is suited to females more than males, and so are the strong minded and powerful women.

My inspiring word: THE WOODS

I choose the woods because as soon as I imagined my character in them I was inspired. 
I had a look on pinterest and found some beautiful images of women in huge woody areas. I think I want to incoporate some sort of natural force that my character can inflict on the world, whether it’s fire/water/nature. I would work on this in post production but I have the perfect setting for my shoot. It is a cove with water in the centre surrounded by greenery and old winding trees.
I need to find a black embroidered dress for my character; preferably I want it to be long sleeve and long in length. If I think my character walking on water would work I think this kind of dress would look amazing!

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