Friday 18 March 2016

Practising my final continuity design

Practise session with my model
Today I practised my design on my model Amelia. I eventually chose to use the white base mixed in with the matte primer as it suited Amelia more than the satin primer! I found it really useful to practise on my model as I now know what will take extra time and what I want to change. I don't like how the eye makeup is darker than I wanted - so I decided to use less of the supra colour and go with the subtle look of the H&M eyeshadow. For the lips, I tried using supra colour in white before applying the fake blood; which I don't like. In our next practise session these are things I will change and improve for the final assessment.

As for the ruff; my model was very pleased with it and I was satisfied with how it fit on my model. As planned, I dirtied it up with the fake blood I used on Amelia, positioning it so that it looks as if it has dripped from her mouth onto her front. I love the overall effect of this!!!

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