Friday 18 March 2016

Creating Lucy Westenra

First practise session with my model
For my design I wanted to stay simple. I have gone for a white base using a mixture between illamasqua's matte primer and illamasqua's white base to achieve a very gaunt and iron deficient looking model! For the eyes I used a matte purple shadow and for the brows I used wax on a clean mascara wand to roughen them up. I started using the white colour from the supra colour palette but in my next practise I want to use a darker colour as the base for the fake blood. The fake blood is pale in colour to make it look fresh!

I was pleased with the outcome of my first practise with Amelia and pleased with the overall effect of the hair and makeup combined. I also added a few splodges of blood to my home-made ruff to create a realistic representation of a vampire. I felt that the time given to complete the hair and makeup was very reasonable! I managed to get everything done in just over an hour and so had time to tweak certain bits at the end - ideal for the actual assessment. I am going to practise this look again before the assessment so that I feel confident on the day!

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