Friday 18 March 2016

Timed Assessment: PART TWO

Today we had our second part of our timed assessment and I felt very nervous. I managed to recreate the same look with time to spare so it was helpful to go back, refer to my printed photos from the first assessment, and tweak any bits that weren't quite right. Overall I was really pleased with the outcome, I felt like the base was the same pale colour as the original assessment. I took note of how much skin base product I mixed with primer so that the outcome would be the same. For the eyes I used the same amount of product as the first assessment, and referred back to the photos to check how much I had buffed the product out under the eyes.

I was quite worried about the liquid latex on the lips and if the 'crustiness' would look exactly the same; it was hard to get the scabby bits all in the same place! I applied the product little by little instead of blobbing it on and was pleased with how it turned out. In terms of the blood, again I applied small amounts of product to my stippling sponge and ensured that I dotted in the same areas that I did in the first assessment. I managed to get the bigger blob on the left hand side of Amelia's mouth in roughly the same place too! 

The hair was my biggest worry because my model has natural curls rather than curls I created. I tweaked the ends to suit the first photographs I took and had a specific routine in terms of how many bits of hair I twisted at the top of the head to create the bouffant part of the do. I feel like the hair went really well other than the parting which is slightly off centre and not identical to the original photos. This is irritating as I was focusing so much on recreating everything perfectly and neglected the parting!!!!!

Overall I am really pleased with the makeup and hair replication in both parts of my assessment and feel like they match up really well; however I'm really disappointed that I didn't pay enough attention to the other details such as camera settings. In my first assessment my camera was on fstop9 and in the second it was fstop8. This is incredibly irritating as it has meant that the photos from the second part of the assessment have come out darker than the first - showing less detail, washing my model out, and making all the features darker. Next time I really will pay attention to the camera side of the assessment.

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